About Us

Indiana Skunk Rescue was founded in 2018 by Julie McLaughlin and Rachel Miracle. We had wanted to join Florida Skunk Rescue and help them expand in other states. Almost every legal skunk ownership state had people wanting to represent FSR. In doing our research we sadly found out that it is illegal in all of our states to join a skunk rescue. You MUST have all of your own permits and licenses in your individual name, no one is allowed to rescue, house or work for another skunk rescue under the rescues licenses/permits if their name is not on all of the rescues permits/licenses and you MUST live in the state the rescue is licensed in. Therefore we started Indiana Skunk Rescue.

We cover the entire state of Indiana for wilds along with ALL STATES for domestic skunks. It is illegal to cross wild skunks over state lines! It is also illegal to possess a wild skunk in Indiana unless you have a rehabilitators permit.  

Julie and Rachel both have the following licenses and/or permits, Wild Animal Possession Permit, Game Breeders License, Special Purpose Educational Permit, Class B USDA License, Julie has a Wild Animal Rehabilitation Permit to take wild skunks within the state of Indiana for rehab and release and her nuisance wild animal control permit (trapping wildlife). We are a 501c3 not for profit rescue. Indiana Skunk Rescue is the ONLY skunk rescue to anyone’s knowledge that can rescue/rehab both domestic and wild skunks.

Indiana Skunk Rescue is here to help you in any way needed with a domestic or wild skunk. The first 6 months of starting we helped 4 domestic skunks and over 80 wild skunks!

In 2020 Julie helped 98 domestic skunks, 131 wild skunks, 5 fawns, 4 foxes, 1 groundhog, 7 opossums and 1 raccoon primarily by herself!

In 2021 from January 1st to October 24th, Julie has done 10 educational programs (Covid-19 is still affecting programs)                           Julie helped 94 domestic skunks, 108 wild skunks, 3 fawns, 19 opossums, 72 raccoons and 7 squirrels, Julie helped all of the animals BY HERSELF except for the raccoons and a couple of the opossums!! 

If you are interested in learning how to become a wildlife rehabilitator in Indiana and live near North Salem please contact Julie via text at 317-273-9288. She is always interested in having help :)  

Julie also does educational programs through-out the state. If you would like her to come do an educational program with her domestic skunks, she would be happy to come! The only fee for a program is a donation to the rescue, it can be monetary or needed items for the animals. You may contact her anytime…. Julie McLaughlin 317-273-9288 or JulieCMcLaughlin@gmail.com

Please join our Facebook group Indiana Pet Skunks & Rescue and like our Facebook page Indiana Skunk Rescue.

This site is basic information on skunks, briefly covering a few topics we feel are important. Please do your research, Don't let someone pressure you into getting a skunk (that is how we have gotten several rescues), don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions, join our face book group... Indiana Pet Skunks and Rescue. Have us out for an educational program to meet skunks up close. No one knows everything and asking is a learning experience for everyone involved. We are here for you anytime for any circumstance, we will always treat you kindly and with respect. 

Julie and Rachel

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